The Book of Romans: Will God Forsake His People? (Podcast)

The Book of Romans: Will God Forsake His People? Podcast by Pastor J D Greer for Summit Church

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I feel like I’ve said this a lot in this series, but this chapter is really difficult. I told you at the beginning of this series that for years I’d been nervous about preaching through Romans and, quite frankly, have avoided doing it. This chapter was one of the reasons why.

It’s got all this confusing stuff in it about who the true Israel is and how God is grafting Gentiles in their place like a wild branch into an olive tree and sometimes you’re just not sure how any of it applies to you

The pastors that do preach through Romans–which I’ve found is not that many–often skip chapters 9–11, and the ones that preach 9–11 often skip chapter 11!

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● Just one example: I heard a guy talking about his church—he said that they were working their way through Romans like we are and when they got to chapter 11, the pastor stood up and said, “Listen, I’m just not sure what’s going on in Romans 11 and I’m having a hard time seeing how it is relevant or edifying for us. Plus, our VBS and student camp weeks are coming up, so let’s spend the morning praying about those, and we’ll pick up with Romans 12 next time.”

● That’s one way to deal with it. I remember in the church I grew up in, every once in a while the pastor would stand up on a Sunday and call for a testimony service. As I got older, I figured out that meant, “I didn’t have time to prepare a message this week, so let’s just see what’s on your minds.” Pretty ingenious if you ask me.

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